Blockchain SmartHoldem

Heads or Tails

«Heads or Tails» — is a provably fair Web3 PvP multiplayer game with instant payouts, a built-in wallet, an exchange platform, statistics, and an affiliate program.

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Welcome to the "Heads or Tails" blockchain PvP game!

"Heads or Tails" is a simple game involving two players and a coin. The coin has two sides – "Heads" and "Tails".

You can start a new game with your bid or choose an existing one by guessing one "Heads" or "Tails" side of the coin. The information about every side of the coin is encrypted and saved in the blockchain.

All games take place only between players!


There are two methods to play the game:

- 1st method: You need to guess the side. The first player chooses a game and tries to think of the side of the coin. If you choose the correct side, you win and double your stake! You always get your winnings in your wallet immediately.

- 2nd method: You choose the side of the coin and create a game, and the other player tries to guess the side. If the other player fails to think about the side you previously chose, you win and double your bid!

  1. The player who correctly guessed the side of the coin wins.
  2. The minimal bid is 10 STH. The maximum bid is not limited.
  3. If you win, you will receive a double stake minus the game commission of 4%
  4. If the player correctly guesses the side of the coin, the prize is doubled.

In all cases, one of the two players wins this game.


How it works

  1. The games are saved at SmartHoldem blockchain;
  2. The bids are stored in SHA-384 & RIPEMD-160 hashed format;
  3. You can check the validity of game data via https://hasher.link service. To do this, you must convert the provided SALT of a finished game into SHA384, and then compose a line consisting of the stake 0-head / 1-tail + received SHA384 hash, get the RIPEMD-160 hash from the composed line, and it should be equal to the hash in the note to the transaction of the player who created the game, starting from the 2nd byte;
  4. You can check your completed and winning transactions at any time in the SmartHoldem block explorer: blockexplorer.smartholdem.io

The payments are made automatically after each game.


You can go to the "My statistics" section to view detailed statistics on your games. This interface provides information on the number of games you have played and the percentage of luck involved. If you want to reset your game statistics, including your win/loss rate and luck percentage, you can select the "Reset Data" option in the game menu.

Affiliate Program

The game's affiliate program enables you to earn rewards by sharing your referral link with other players. Your SmartHoldem address within the "Heads or Tails" game is your unique affiliate code. Whenever your friends use your referral link and win, you get 1% of their winnings, and they get an additional 1% on top of their winnings. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

heads tail decentralized blockchain game